Legal BD: Why doing a good job isn’t good enough

legal BD why doing a good job isn't good enough

In today’s legal landscape, merely doing a good job is no longer sufficient. Clients are more discerning than ever before, seeking value and expertise beyond the basics of legal services. Gemma recently sat down with legal copywriting expert, Becky Whittaker to delve into why exceeding expectations is crucial in today’s legal industry.

Clients now expect their legal team to go above and beyond, providing not just excellent legal work, but also strategic advice, exceptional client service, and innovative solutions to their problems. Doing so builds trust, fosters long-term relationships, and sets firms apart in a competitive market.

Gemma highlights common mistakes firms and lawyers make in their legal BD and marketing efforts, stressing the importance of avoiding a cookie-cutter approach and sharing actionable tips on how lawyers can elevate their BD efforts, emphasising the need for authentic engagement, compelling storytelling, and consistent nurturing of client relationships.


Key takeaways from their discussion include:

  • Going the Extra Mile: Clients expect more than just good legal work; they want strategic guidance and personalised solutions tailored to their needs.
  • Avoiding Common Pitfalls: By understanding and sidestepping common mistakes in legal BD and marketing, firms can better position themselves for success.
  • Levelling Up BD Efforts: Implementing best practices in client relationship management and marketing can help firms reach their legal BD goals effectively.
  • Breaking the Cycle: Instead of getting caught in an endless loop of legal BD activities, focus on targeted approaches that yield meaningful results.
  • Creating Value: Effective marketing for law firms involves showcasing expertise, building trust, and demonstrating tangible value to clients.


While doing a good job lays the foundation, it’s the extra effort and strategic approach that truly set legal professionals apart in today’s competitive market. By embracing innovation, prioritising client relationships, and refining legal BD strategies, firms can not only meet but exceed client expectations, driving success and growth in the legal industry.
